Wednesdays dismissal -1:30pm Salida los miércoles -1:30 p.m.
2024-25 Uniform guidelines 2024-25 Directrices uniformes
Take Home Thursday Newsletter (THT) English Spanish
November 25th-29th – Thanksgiving Break 25-29 de noviembre – Vacaciones de Acción de Gracias
Confirmation December 1st -2 pm Confirmación 1 de diciembre 2 pm
Christmas Concert Dec 10th 2pm Concierto de Navidad 10 de diciembre 14:00 horas
All Saints Catholic School utilizes technology as a valuable tool in accomplishing the school’s academic objectives. Through generous donations and gifts, we are able to provide up-to-date computers and software, all networked and protected by firewall, filtering software, and anti-virus software.
Some of the resources available to our students:
Teachers use the technology in a variety of ways to stimulate collaboration and promote creative problem solving, while providing students the technology skills they will need in high school and beyond.