Our Favorite Websites
Note to parents and families: This site includes kid friendly web pages that we either use in class or are posted for your child’s enjoyment. We make every effort to check sites before posting them. We periodically recheck sites for changes. Should you find anything you question on a site, please contact us through our contact form: https://allsaintscs.org/contact/
*Some sites contain ads. During class we discuss how to avoid clicking on items, such as ads, not part of the educational value of the sites.
Please use links below to access websites.
- Art
- Homework Help
- Internet Safety
- Intro to Computer Programming
- Just for Fun
- Keyboarding
- Kindergarten-First Grade
- Language Arts
- Math
- Media Literacy
- Multiple Curriculum Areas
- Omaha Public Library
- Online Storage
- Presentation Sites
- Reading
- Resource Sites
- Science
- Search Engines
- Sign Language
- Social Studies
- STEM Websites
- Test Taking Sites
- World Culture
Our Impact This Year
are Catholic
Students receive free/reduced meals
Students qualify for financial education assistance